Should membership sign up be changed?

Just wondering because of the notification about every 30 minutes of new posts only to see those bloody spammers trying to sell drugs every time. Can the system be tweeked a bit more so their attempts to post dont come up as notifications ? 


  • Comments (3)

    • 5

      Traffic is a balancing act, sign up should be just hard enough to divert bots but easy enough for the casual user.

      I once moded on a site overrun by spammers. I eventually required a new user on the registration page to go to a separate page where there was a “secret” word that they then came back and used to sign up.

      Bots couldn’t do it and the vast majority of spammers getting a penny a site would not be bothered, but those interested had no trouble. That was 10 or 12 years ago, on a php board, don’t know how things work now.

    • 6

      Yeah, we’re doing things like that as we speak, was working in the code on this last night. We have “hidden” CAPTCHA, am looking at making it active + have a confirmation link + some other methods.

      Sorry for the hassles — it’s part of why we’re moving off the limited cheap/free tech we’re currently on. Spammers deserve a slow death.

      • 7

        Thanks for the update John, this place is the last bastion of rational prepping debate, these spammers should be in prison.